Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mrs. Carter

Rumor has it that Beyonce has no writing skills what so ever, but knows how to pay a nice penny for someone to do it for her.

According to an insider A lot of these artists claim to be songwriters, but don’t always write a thing. Some, like Beyonce, serve as vocal arrangements, which points to part of thesong’s composition, and thus, receive a songwriting and production credit. Others, like Beyonce, can demand credit based on their name alone. I myself have heard of new song writers looking for placement with Beyonce’s last album being told Beyonce demands a certain amount of publishing upfront (and it’s substantial) or they could “be paid handsomely” to politely remove their name from the song altogether. Fact is, Beyonce didn’t write one song on “I Am…Sasha Fierce.” Beyonce and her team have bought the rights from thesongwriters and then Beyonce took credit for it. I have no idea about previous albums but it’s obvious that Beyonce never had a pen in her hand, which is a shame because Beyonce claims something she isn’t. (found on

Now I'm a big Beyonce fan, but I'm a bigger fan of honesty. I hope the claim's aren't true. But if they are I hope so she comes out and be honest to her fans. There's nothing wrong with etting everyone know you had help getting to the top. We all have to use help every now and then. And lets be honest even if Mrs. Carter doesn't write her own songs, this Texas born chick is a great performer!